If you are earning member of the family you should buy a life insurance to ensure that your family continues to receive income even when you are not there. A life insurance policy is like a financial safety net that protects your family financially in your absence. It provides a sum assured to your family in case of your demise during the policy term. The sum assured can be used by your family to tackle daily and crucial expenses.
You can invest in 11 different sectors in the stock market. This type of industry categorization helps the portfolio manager create a diverse portfolio and allocate funds more efficiently.
The commonest form of health insurance policies in India cover the expenses incurred on Hospitalization, though a variety of products are now available which offer a range of health covers, depending on the need and choice of the insured. The health insurer usually provides either direct payment to hospital (cashless facility) or reimburses the expenses associated with illnesses and injuries or disburses a fixed benefit on occurrence of an illness. The type and amount of health care costs that will be covered by the health plan are specified in advance.